Age spots and wrinkles on the skin can indicate excessive ultraviolet (sunlight) exposure, leading to breakdown of the elastic tissue and the cross-links in the collagen strands.  It can also indicate a state of accelerated aging in general, which could be due to factors such as smoking, free radical damage due to antioxidant deficiency, loss of hormones (estrogen and testosterone), toxic exposures, poor diet, fatty acid deficiencies, and lack of sleep.  

Vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q-10, L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid and the mineral selenium are the cornerstones of anti-aging supplementation along with a diet rich in antioxidant fruits and vegetables.  Beta carotene is nature’s sun blocker and it’s important to eat lots of leafy green vegetables to get this nutrient naturally to protect the skin and eyes from ultraviolet damage.   


Nutritional testing is often very useful to pinpoint nutritional deficiencies or imbalances in the body.  

But dermatology patients are sometimes resistant to nutritional testing.  They are used to the standard of care, where they are examined in a cursory fashion and after 5 minutes, a diagnosis is pronounced.  If there is any doubt, a biopsy is performed which gives the ultimate answer as to what medicine or surgery will be prescribed.   

In the case of skin cancer or skin infections, medications and surgery are necessary but what about all the rest of the chronic skin conditions that people suffer with for years, and for which medications have been given, with temporary relief followed by side effects and a return of the problem.    

These are conditions such as:

  • Urticaria (hives) 
  • Acne vulgaris 
  • Acne rosacea
  • Eczema 
  • Alopecia areata (round spots of baldness) 
  • Aphthous ulcers (sores in the mouth) 
  • Dry skin and dry mouth  
  • Discoid Lupus (an autoimmune skin Lupus) 
  • Morphia (a kind of localized scleroderma or skin thickening in patches)
  • Psoriasis  
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff on the scalp, face, or body) 
  • Vitiligo (depigmented patches of skin) 


Standard dermatology has symptomatic treatment for these condition such as antibiotics, steroids, ultraviolet light, and heavier guns such as retinoids, antimalarials, and biologics but nutritional testing is the only way to look at the terrain of the body and treat the underlying causes of these illnesses. As we mentioned above, conditions such as inflammation, dehydration, and oxidative stress affect the skin and can be due to food allergies, poor bowel terrain, toxic exposures, or nutrient deficiencies.  

We also depend on nutritional testing  to tell us what you need.