Category: Blog Post


Last week a book caught my eye among the 50 plus books in my library at the office. It is called “The Carnitine Miracle”  by Robert Crayhon. This is a nutrient we don’t hear much about except for in the realm of sports nutrition and personal training. But carnitine...Read More

Hyperparathyroidism – The Unsuspected Illness

If you have a high calcium level in the blood, a high bone breakdown urine test (NTX), bone density in the Osteopenic or Osteoporotic range, or have had kidney stones, it is important to find and treat the cause underlying all these conditions because all of these can...Read More

Why is Gluten in a Probiotic?

In February, 2015  the New York Attorney General’s office came out with the statement that <span “font-family:helvetica;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:”times=”” roman”;mso-fareast-language:en-us”=””>four out...Read More

Toxic Substances in Skin Care Products

The shelves in department stores and pharmacies are full of skin care products that smell nice are packaged in pleasing ways, but are we really using our best judgment when we buy them and start smearing them all over ourselves or shampooing our hair with them?  After...Read More

How To Pick Out A Quality Multivitamin

We recently heard that the attorney general just did an investigation on several well-known retailers of vitamins and accused them of “mislabeling, contamination and false advertising”. The investigation was set off by an article in the NY Times which referred to...Read More


For years Vitamin D was a neglected vitamin (actually Vitamin D is a hormone). The Functional Medical community began testing and treating vitamin D deficiency about 10 years ago, myself included, and medical establishment doctors followed suit for about the last 5...Read More